Swift 4.1 Update: Did JSON Parsing Get Easier? How to Customize JSON Decoding and Snake Case

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- Published on Apr 5, 2018馃審 Public

A lot of fun looking at the new features introduce in Swift 4.1. Most notable to me is the ability to parse JSON objects that are in snake case by using keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase. In today's lesson we look at how to make use of this property as well as customizing JSON decoding. JSONDecoder Tutorial: https://youtu.be/YY3bTxgxWss JSON Endpoint: https://api.letsbuildthatapp.com/json... Podcasts Course https://www.letsbuildthatapp.com/cour... Intermediate Training Core Data https://www.letsbuildthatapp.com/cour... Instagram Firebase Course https://www.letsbuildthatapp.com/cour... Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/12406... Completed Source Code https://www.letsbuildthatapp.com/cour... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buildthatapp/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/buildthatapp